
Time to Crochet With The Lavender Chair

I love meeting designers that are positive and supportive of others. A couple of years ago I started seeing this purple (lavender) chair pop up with cute crocheted projects.

Since squishy soft slippers are a favorite of mine, her slippers were the first ones that caught my eye. Aren’t they wonderful?

Dorianna’s Francesca patterns have a really nice stitch combo. I wanted to give them a try.

I made her Francesca Boot Cuffsand matching cowl.

The patterns were super easy to follow and fun to make. I always enjoy being able to make something without trying to figure out the pattern. I definitely would suggest her patterns and hope you will give them a try.

I LOVE how they turned out and even wore them yesterday. Such a fun set.

This is me, Hieidi of Snappy Tots, wearing the Francesca set I made from Dorianna’s patterns.

I thought it would be fun to learn more about the designer with this chair and cute designs.

More About Dorianna Michela Leskody-Rivelli

Tell us about you. I’m 24 years old. I was born in New York and then later moved to NC when I was 10!

When and how did you learn to crochet? I learned to crochet when I was 8 (my aunt taught me).

How did you come up with your shop name, The Lavender Chair?
My shop name came about when I started stacking up all my crochet projects on a little purple chair.

Where do you get your design inspiration? A lot of my designs come to me in dreams or I see a style that I really like I’m today’s fashion and try to create something similar.

Where do you crochet? My work station is either my couch or cuddled in my bed! My yarn stash takes over my entire closet!

What is your favorite design? My favorite design has to be my Painted in Warmth Sweater. Designing this sweater was the biggest learning experience and shaped my designing process.

What can we look forward to in the future of The Lavender Chair? My plan in the future as far as crochet is to design and crochet a wedding dress!!

What do you do for fun? In my free time, I enjoy going out and singing karaoke.

Visit The Lavender Chair

I hope you will give her patterns a try and follow her online. It is always nice to support those who support us.

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Enjoy your crochet adventures and make friends along the way. Creative friends make life more colorful.

~ Heidi

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