13th Annual Trick or Treat For Patterns


Wow! Another awesome year of pix. HUGE thanks to everyone who sent in a picture. We have loved seeing each and every picture. It brightened my day and I really appreciate the time each person spent to send one in.

As a special thank you, I am giving one Snappy Tots pattern of choice to each person that entered. An email has been sent to each contestant. If you are unable to find your email, please enter [email protected] in your email search bar. It might have gone to spam.

Category Winners

Favorite Creation (crochet): Melissa Johnson

Prize: One pattern of choice from Crafting Friends Designs

About this entry: “I am so happy with how my costume turned out! I crocheted the hat and decor on it and both of my spider friends!! I am a Swamp witch. I work at a middle school and the students have loved my outfit.” Melissa Johnston 

Favorite Creation (non crochet):  

Prize: One pattern of choice from Ambassador Crochet

About this entry: “My Best friend and I dressed up as Ursula and Maleficent this year!”

Favorite Inspiration: JoAnn Warner-Kenney

Prize: One pattern of choice from Sweet Potato 3

About this entry: “Last year he was our cat Chevy, who passed May 2022. We adopted a kitten we named Pete in July. He decided to be  Pete this year. Both costumes were completely different, with handmade elements.” –
JoAnn Warner-Kenney

Best Halloween Spirit: Kristen Taylor

Prize: One pattern of choice from Snappy Tots

About this entry: “My dino & our neighbor kids.” – Kristen Taylor.

Thank you to all of our entries

Below are some more of the entries. Everyone that entered received a Snappy Tots pattern of choice as a thank you for sharing their fun day with us. Please email [email protected] to claim your prize.

Here is a picture of my 2 little ones (plus my oldest) dressed up. My daughter is dressed as a cat and my little one is Luffy from the anime One Piece! – Steph Nelson 
“Me, Linda Joy, dressed before going out with family.” – Linda Joy
“Last year he was our cat Chevy, who passed May 2022. We adopted a kitten we named Pete in July. He decided to be  Pete this year. Both costumes were completely different, with handmade elements.” –
JoAnn Warner-Kenney
My two oldest as 1980’s McDonald’s workers, my little brunette elsa, and my mummy (made out of old bed sheets cut up.) all costumes made by me with help from a dear friend. – Daisy J
“Willy Wonka with my youngest.” – Cheryl Speights
“My grandchildren”, – George Glover

Our Sponsors

Thanks to our sponsors, some lucky people will be chosen to win patterns from some of my favorite designers. Please visit their pages and follow them if you do not already.

Ambassador Crochet: Website | Facebook | Pattern Shop

Crafting Friends: Website | Facebook | Pattern Shop

Sweet Potato 3: Website | Facebook | Pattern Shop

The 2023 costume parade and halloween celebration have ended. Please join us again next year.

Please come trick or treating to Snappy Tots! We want to see your Halloween creations and costumes. There will be multiple prizes given for different categories.

Take a picture of you and/or your family DRESSED UP for Halloween or someone modeling a Halloween item you made. Want to see some past entries? Visit a past parade: 8th annual parade

What If You Don’t Dress Up? We Got You Covered

For those that don’t get to dress up but still enjoy this day, we want to include you too! There will be a special category for “Best Halloween Spirit (non costume)”. Scroll down for more info.

By emailing a photo you give permission for Snappy Tots to share the photo on this website.
All photos will be posted on this page before the giveaway closes.
Winners will be chosen to receive a snappy tots pattern of choice.

How To Enter
~ Email one photo per person.
~ photo must be from this year’s Halloween season (2019). One photo graphic per person/family please (graphic can include one picture or a collage)
~ Costumes do NOT have to be crocheted but if a snappy tots design is included in the post it will be entered for an additional prize.
~ Please keep photos in GOOD TASTE. A lot of kids see my page. Any inappropriate photos will be removed.
~ all photos must be shared before 11:59pm mt, Nov 2, 2019.
~ I try to set this up as user friendly as possible and so as many can participate as would like to.

These depend upon the amount of entries and the content. One category that is new this year is “Best Halloween Spirit (non costume)”. If you don’t dress up but still LOVE this day, please share a picture of YOU or your family celebrating Halloween. This could be a picture of you with your porch, yard, office decorations; you and friends at a special ghoulish lunch, etc.

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