8th Annual Costume Parade For Patterns


First, thank you to everyone that sent in a photo.  The judges had a VERY HARD TIME choosing just a few winners because so many deserved recognition. LOTS of great costumes, cut kids (plus furry humans), group costumes and creativity galore.

I LOVED seeing all of them and reading about the different costumes and events. I appreciate the time each person took to send in their entry so I am giving one Snappy Tots pattern of choice to each person that entered. An email was sent to each contestant.

Each winner listed below will receive the Snappy Tots pattern of choice for entering, as well as the prize listed under their name. An email will be sent to each winner today, 11/5/2018, will information about redeeming their prize.

Favorite Story/Inspiration: Wendy Forman
Prize: One pattern of choice from Made by Mary

Favorite Creation (non crochet): Gill Comerford
Prize: One pattern of choice from Crafting Friends Designs

Favorite Creation (crochet): Melissa Alderman
Prize: One pattern of choice from Sweet Potato 3

Favorite Group: Dawn Seeman
Prize: One pattern of choice from Ambassador Crochet

Favorite Funky Witch/Wizard Hat:
Prize: One more pattern of choice from Snappy Tots
Thank you ALL for sharing your hats from the event. I appreciate you entering your hat so you all get to choose another snappy creation to make 🙂
Note: If YOU entered a photo that includes a hat made from my funky witch/wizard hat pattern and you do not see it below, please send me an email. 

Please scroll down and see all of the fabulous entries. 

Please come trick or treating to Snappy Tots! We want to see your funky Witch hats, Halloween creations and costumes. There will be multiple prizes given for different categories.

Contest is closed. Thanks for your entries. 

Take a picture of you and/or your family DRESSED UP for Halloween or someone modeling a Halloween item you made.

Click HERE and email one photo and a short description before Nov 1st, 2018 at 11:59 pm mt. Add subject line: “costume parade” to your email.

By emailing a photo you give permission for Snappy Tots to share the photo on this website.

All photos will be posted on this page before the giveaway closes.

Winners will be chosen to receive a snappy tots pattern of choice.
Have a safe and fun Halloween!

~ Email one photo per person.
~ photo must be from this year’s Halloween season (2018). One photo per person/family please (unless family includes more then one snappy friend prior to contest. Then more then one family member may enter but pix must be different.)
~ Costumes do NOT have to be crocheted but if a snappy tots design is included in the post it will be entered for an additional prize.
~ Please keep photos in GOOD TASTE. A lot of kids see my page. Any inappropriate photos will be removed.
~ all photos must be shared before 11:59pm mt, Nov 1, 2018.
~ I try to set this up as user friendly as possible. If you experience problems uploading/sharing your photo please send me an email.

Be safe and have fun!

Our Sponsors

Thanks to our sponsors, some of these lucky people will be chosen to win patterns from some of my favorite designers. Please visit their pages and follow them if you do not already.

Here Comes The Parade!

From Hollyanne Brady: 
This is our costumes this year. I made your witch’s hat and made my sweater. My son decided to be a pikachu, and my daughter is the alphabet tree from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. I made the costume for my son when I was pregnant with my daughter.

From Wendy Forman: My mom wore this prisoner outfit for years as her Halloween costume  …she had Alzheimer’s so was just as delighted every year to see her costume…When she passed I wanted to do something special with it so I decided I would add to it and be Mrs Hamburgular…so a few patterns combined I delighted my Grandkids with an extension to Great Grandmas well known costume

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