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Free Pattern: Tunisian Bow

This bow pattern is a great way to try Tunisian Crochet. It is worked in short rows and can be done on a regular crochet hook.


bow1 bow2 bow3 bow4

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Tips on Tunisian Crochet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tunisian crochet is different from regular crochet in several ways.
• It is all worked on one side of the project. You will not “turn” your work at the end of each row. Each row is worked in two parts: a forward pass and return pass.
• Do not begin with loose chains (which some may do when starting a regular crocheted piece like a scarf). Since Tunisian is a tighter stitch, the finished edge will not be as wide as the starting edge if you chain loosely.
• An “afghan hook”, which looks like a long crochet hook (approximately 14”) is used because all loops remain on hook during forward pass. A “flexible crochet hook” can be used for working in the round. This looks like a hook with a long plastic chord attached. It also has a bead on the end to keep stitches from falling off.
• Tunisian Crochet tends to be worked tighter than regular crochet so extra stitch-es have been allowed for room.
• When seaming Tunisian Crochet, right sides of work are butted up against each other and a mattress stitch works nicely.

This pattern begins with a regular ch, then a loop is pulled up in each ch across and left on the hook. Some patterns will suggest turning the original chain over and working in the back horizontal bar (or ridge loop). This creates a nice starting edge. For this pattern however, we will begin by working into the ch as usual to avoid confusion. If you are familiar with Tunisian crochet, feel free to start your foundation row either way.

If you have enjoyed this pattern, please check out the hat it was designed to embellish, Bowdacious Beret. Use coupon code “tunisian” when purchasing the Bowdacious Beret or Georgia Sun hat (another snappy pattern featuring tunisian crochet) and save 30% off these patterns.

Bowdacious Beret pattern by Snappy Tots
Bowdacious Beret pattern by Snappy Tots

Ready for more tunisian crochet? Check out these tutorials and free patterns.

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