Featured Free Pattern: Textured Scrubbies
I’ve been looking for scrubbies that aren’t round or square and found this new free pattern by Trifles N’ Treasures. She also offers a pattern for a soap saver. I like using those for sachets in drawers. At approximately 4-5″ across, they would also make cute coasters or under a candle.
Textured Scrubbies
Cotton yarn in choice of color (s)
H Crochet Hook
Yarn needle for weaving in ends.
Tip: to get the shape, lightly tug on the increase cluster as you create the last round.
Click HERE for the pattern from Trifles N Treasures.
As part of my quest to work on gifts throughout the year I will be sharing a different scrubbie pattern each week throughout 2015.
All featured scrubbie patterns will be on the “DIY cleaning & Organizing” Board.
Follow other snappy boards for gift making ideas and random quirkiness! Here are a few: Rocking Out The Projects, Gifts to crochet/make
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