Time to Crochet With JoAnne Thompson

I have enjoyed reading about some of my favorite designers each week and am excited to share another. JoAnne Thomspon of Grammyjo Lids is a very talented lady.  She creates wonderful character patterns and her m&ms are some of my favorites. I have known her for a couple of years and am lucky to have her as one of my testers too.

Now it is Time to Crochet with GrammyJo Lids.


When you crochet, where do you sit and what is the area like?

I usually crochet in my big blue  comfy chair which is in the family room. It’s got 4 huge windows and is very bright, and  toasty with the wood stove going. We spend most of our time there. I have my nook , my Schmibbly mug wrap with my hooks, & my wip bag all within easy reach. If I’m working on a design or a bigger project , I sit at the kitchen table with everything spread out.
 unnamed (1)  unnamed (2)
Do you watch tv or listen to music while you crochet? If so, what’s on?
I’m not a big tv person, so it’s rarely on during the day. At night, I like to watch criminal minds, cold case , big bang, or a good movie. Gone with the Wind & Disneys’ Beauty & the Beast are my favs.
What do you keep your supplies in and what’s in there?
For now my stash and supplies are  in my closet, I’m hoping to have a craft room someday, which is going to be red, white & blue, with a oversize squishy chair. Lot’s of shelves, a desk & of course tons of yarn.
 What is your favorite brand of crochet hook? What size do you use most?
Most of my hooks are Boye. Recently I received a set of Clover hooks as a gift,&  I totally love them!
Why is your shop name grammyjolids?
There are a couple reasons. When we found out we were going to be grandparents, there was of course the “what do you want him to call you?” questions. I decided on grammyjo. Also, my friends & family call me Jo & I love being a grammy. My son started the page for me, without me knowing about it as a surprise & grammyjolids was born.
What else would you like people to know about you?
My favorite color is blue. I also love to read, play video games (zelda is my fav), & play in the dirt. I have a huge perennial garden & if it’s nice out , that’s where you can find me.
Huge thank you to JoAnne Thompson of Grammyjo Lids for taking time to share with us. Visit her on facebook and let her know how much you enjoyed her crochet time.
She has a Ravelry shop too. These are some of her things I love:

JoAnne always creates wonderful things from my patterns. Check out this hat she made from my “Petunia Lambikins” pattern.

When its time to crochet, where will YOU be? Please post below and let us know.

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