Time to Crochet With Donna McGonigal
Over the past three years I have had the opportunity to meet many wonderful and talented people that inspire me in different ways. One such person is Donna McGonigal, owner of You Drive Me Crafty.
She is a talented crocheter who seems to enjoy the cable stitch and has made many beautiful cable blankets. She writes patterns too!

The things I enjoy most about her is the yummy collection of recipes she shares and Bristol, her cutie patootie dog.
Now it is Time to Crochet with You Drive Me Crafty.
As always, I’m nosy and asked her to describe where she crochets most of the time.
~ What do you sit on while you crochet?
I crochet at my desk. I store all of my patterns on my computer and if it’s one I need to concentrate on I highlight where I am on the computer screen.
~ What is the area like?
My desk is in our front room but is also known as my office/craft room. It’s very bright, I like lots of light! My desk is in a corner and all supplies are either to my right or left. I love my desk and have it personalized with things that make me smile. To my immediate right is my beta fish, Sushi, he’ll be two years old soon! To my left is my lovebird, Apple, she’s gorgeous and is great company! And several times a day while I’m working on projects a tennis ball will fly onto my desk and scare me to death, that’s my dog, Bristol letting me know she wants attention. I like little toy figures and have them placed in random spots on my desk, a mini Lalaloopsie doll, Gary the snail from Spongebob, Fraggle Rock, Smurfs and a Sand Hook duck.
~ Do you watch tv or listen to music while you crochet? If so, what’s on?
Sometimes I’ll turn iTunes on my computer while I crochet but not often, I enjoy all types of music. I mentioned that I pretty much only crochet at my desk but if I’m working on a mindless project like a scarf, hat or blanket I will work on those on the couch when my family is home so I can sit with them. My only favorite TV show is The Blacklist and I DO NOT work on anything when that is on! Other than that I don’t pay much attention to the TV at all.
~ What do you keep your supplies in and what’s in there?
I have shoe organizer cubbies that my most used yarn is in next to my desk. The rest of my yarn is kept in large plastic tubs until I can figure out a better way to display it. I have a wooden anchor hook holder that holds my favorite hooks and two pink cases that hold the rest. I have two mason jars on my desk, one is filled with yarn scraps for stuffing and the other is filled with neutral colored buttons. My “fancy” buttons are separated by type and kept in spice jar containers on a spinning spice rack. Also sitting out on the shelves are tape, rubber bands, tissue paper, stapler, pin cushion, stitch markers, business cards and stickers with my logo on them. I also have a bead organizer box that I found horrible for organizing beads and it’s full of jewelry findings like jump rings, split rings, key chains, hair clips, lobster clasps and all sorts of fun little items. Lastly I have a pink & black (my favorite color combination) bead organizer that does work wonderfully, full of all types of different beads.
~ What is your favorite brand of crochet hook? What size do you use most?
Boye is my favorite. I’ve tried pretty much every type hook out there and I always go back to my boyes! However, once I tried a boye with a clay handle from Day by Day Crochet I was hooked! Now I prefer the thicker handle and do not/will not crochet without one! I use the 5.50mm (I ) hook the most.
~ Find Donna Online
You Drive Me Crafty on Facebook
Donna’s Blog
Donna on Pinterest
You Drive Me Crafty Raverly Shop
This free sand dollar coaster pattern from Donna is perfect for summer and would make a fun Mother’s Day gift too!
~ More from Donna:
I have crafters ADD! I have a desire to learn every type of craft there is and truly enjoy playing with all of it! Much to my husbands dismay I have plastic tubs everywhere with a different types of craft supplies in them! In addition to all of the crochet and knit items around the house I also have a tub for wreath making, bow making, metal stamping, clay, soap, bottle cap accessories and sewing. I also love to cook & bake. I started a blog years ago to document recipes our family enjoys as well as craft projects and other random articles, I love this blog and share it with anyone who might be interested but what’s most special about it is I cannot wait to pass it onto my children when they move out on their own – instead of handing them a recipe box with a couple index cards I will be able to hand down an entire database of all the meals they’ve loved and grown up eating.