Time to Crochet With Ann Mancinci-Williams

Last week I had the honor of doing a debut giveaway for a fellow designer’s newest pattern. “Pretty in Plaid”, an amazing crochet jacket pattern by Ann of Glamour 4 You, is now available. You can get your copy from her website or from Ravelry.


Ann’s creations are unique and trendy, just like her! I tell her often that I would love her funky look. Isn’t she fun? I know you will enjoy her patterns too. She puts a lot of work into every single pattern and her prices are VERY reasonable. Can you believe that jacket pattern is only $4.99? WOW! I’ve seen hat patterns priced higher.

I asked Ann if we could feature her when the jacket pattern was released so my readers could get to know a little about her creative space. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I have.

Now it’s Time to Crochet with Ann from Glamour 4 You!

What do you sit on? 

I mainly crochet on my couch in the living room. We have a small house, so our main gathering place is the living room. My couch is brown….NOT my favorite color!! The couch was my hubby’s before we got married, so I had no part in the decision. If I were to choose – I think I would love some sort of vintage print with a lot of subtle but bright colors! I love swirly, filigree designs! Fun & Funky!! Of course, it would have to be super soft & chushy too!!

What is the area like?

My living room has a good amount of light – one whole wall is a huge picture window. And of course we have our TV in there too – I am a HUGE movie fan!!!

Do you watch tv or listen to music while you crochet? If so, what’s on?

LOVE LOVE LOVE movies!!!! Since I have my 4yo daughter – I like to share TV time with her during the day. So the morning she watches her kid educational shows, then in the afternoon I get to watch my movies or shows!!

What do you keep your supplies in and what’s in there?

The main supplies when I am working on a specific item are next to me on my end-table. The rest of my supplies are in our guest room. I have one wall for my sewing machine & the closet for my yarn & my hubby has another wall for is music (he has been in a band since he was 16yo, so music is a big part of our lives too!)

What is your favorite brand of crochet hook? What size do you use most?

I tend to like Boye hooks, just because they are most available where I live. Although, I am never opposed to trying a new hook!!

Please visit Ann online:


When its time to crochet, where will YOU be? Please post below and let us know.

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