Thankful for Who I Am Today

This theme was a tough one for me. Who AM I? 🙂 Most importantly I am a mom of 5 outstanding people (3 + 2 wonderful people added by marriage) and grandmother of 2 beautiful grandkids. 

I am also a wife, daughter, sister and friend. I love to crochet (I know that is surprising!). I also love to sing, play the clarinet, read, garden, spend time with my family, take our trailer on adventures and more.

I will probably add more along the way, but those are my rambles for now.


Each day for 10 days 4 of us are offering a different pattern for just $1 for 24 hours each. Check out the patterns for Day 10:

  • Coupon code for all 4 designer’s patterns: 10whoIam
  • Code expires Thursday, 11/23/18 at 6am mst (8am est).

Click HERE to purchase these patterns for just $1 each or scroll down to see more about each pattern. Use the coupon code for each of these patterns before Thursday morning, 6am mst (8am est).

Snappy Tots: Snappy Pixie

Crafting Friends Designs: Ripple Lace Scarf

Sweet Potato 3: Cross My Heart Vest

Ambassador Crochet: Hopewell Infinity

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