New Snappy Family Member
For several years during December, a “snappy pixie” has sprinkled patterns to people that were nominated by a friend. I have always wanted to crochet a version and here she is!
Wouldn’t she make a fun ornament or even a cute angel too?
Snappy Pixie Pattern
Each of the patterns in the snappy family are made with worsted weight yarns and basic crochet stitches.
Materials & Details
Yarn: small amounts of worsted weight yarns in a variety of colors
Crochet Hooks: H (5mm)
Miscellaneous Supplies: Yarn needle, embroidery needle, small amount of stuffing, Black and pink embroidery floss (or lightweight yarn) for cheeks.
Finished Measurements: 10” long x 4” wide
The Snappy Family
The other snappy girls posed with her for a photo today.
Save 75% off the entire family!
Save 75% off the patterns shown below for 24 hours only. Offer ends at 5pm mst, 11/22/18. Use coupon code: 10whoIam
More Cuties
Thanks to my testers, Debbie Asbury of “Simply, With Love” and Shaunna Hallsson for sharing pix of their snappy pixies.