Snappy Life: Breaking out of jail
Last week of October – issue #1
Over the past week I have been in facebook jail (timeout) 3 times, 24 hours each! I have had my facebook account and business page for almost 10 years and have never ever been restricted. I have seen others locked out for even longer amounts of time and wondered what had happened.
The first time I was locked out was quite a shock and bewildering because they are very vague about the reasoning. You get a pop up similar to this and BAM no more socializing for you!

If you haven’t followed me for very long you might not know this, but from the beginning I have tried VERY hard to create a positive, encouraging presence on my social media accounts. Occasionally I do post a “soap box” moment on my personal page to gripe about people telling me I shouldn’t have let my oldest son join the military or school drop off procedures people ignore, but other than that I try to stick to the bright and happy polka dot yielding life.
SO, to get restricted I could not imagine what I had done. Do they send you an email and let you know why this has happened? nope. Is there a customer service email or number you can contact? nope. You are directed to a fb consumer forum to seek advice.
The only thing I could even guess would have caused this was that we had recently stayed in an RV park and I had linked my computer to the park’s wifi to finish up some work and accessed fb during that time.
I was happy when the restriction was lifted and I could get back to snappy life. Not even 48 hours later and BAM restricted again. WHAT? I was totally shocked. Plus the timing was super inconvenient. I had a Halloween crochet along I was planning on starting the Saturday before Halloween so we could whip up some last minute treat bags.
Someone suggested I had been hacked. Others a virus. I decided to reset my computer and phone back to factory settings. Yes, that IS a pain, but I didn’t want to keep getting kicked off. Not that I can’t live without fb, but I admin several groups, including a current event and one getting ready to start. Not to mention the fear of losing my account and my biz page I have worked hard to maintain for 9 years.
Ok, so now that I am set up to succeed this time and following every single rule, I hoped to never see that restriction again…when what do you know BAM! Not even 12 hours later and AGAIN! It hit on a really hard morning and just was one more thing on the pile I couldn’t take. I contacted 2 other designers for words of wisdom. One thing I found out is that once you are restricted the more they watch your account. The first time was probably because I had fb signed in on two different wifis /devices. Then when I got back on I copy and pasted the post about my newest pattern…which fb doesn’t like you to do…but I always have. Plus I have been posting more than usual because we have been busy with our “Beanies for Bravery” project.
ANYWAY… after all that I have decided to really lay low as much as possible for the next few weeks and also limit posts in general after that. I will be posting more, here, on my blog, in hopes of avoiding posting too much on fb. I will be sharing “behind the scenes” posts here. If you are interested in my quirky life, that is great… if not, no worries. I hope you will find some fun crochet projects here.
Update On Beanies For Bravery

On 10/25/19, 300 beanies were shipped to US soldiers serving overseas. This is a huge accomplishment thanks to the many wonderful snappy peeps. I danced all the way to the post office with 10 large boxes! YOU are FANTASTIC! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If I get pictures back, I will definitely share them.
200 more beanies will be shipped the first part of November. We would LOVE to keep shipping beanies until the first of the year. If you are interested in this project and helping, please check out THIS EVENT PAGE.
To see a list of those who have already sent beanies, you can check out the UPDATE POST. I still have a few names to add to this list.
Oila and Brookie, my fur babies

Many of you know our 3 year old lab swallowed a slick fabric toy with a tennis ball inside, yep a tennis ball, and had to have surgery to remove it. Thanks to many of you for buying my pattern packs that helped us afford this unexpected surgery.
Oila recovered quickly and had no complications. She is back to practicing 3 times a day to be a short stop. She loves being able to play ball. We just make sure she doesn’t get any toys she can swallow and we put the balls up when not supervised.
Now, as for Brookie (my 7 year old yorkie), she was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with diabetes. We knew she could possibly lose her eyesight eventually, but yesterday morning she woke up completely blind. We weren’t expecting this so soon and especially not all at once. We have now learned it is quite common for it to go overnight. It totally blew me away and I’ve had a hard time coping.
She seems to be doing better today and many have told us dogs are very resilient. They have increased her insulin twice now in hopes of figuring out the right dosage. We are thankful she is doing as well as she is and is still with us.
All of this gives me a whole new level of respect for people whose children have medical concerns. I can’t even imagine what many go through, all parties involved. If you or a family member is experiencing health problems I pray for your strength and for those around you to help give you the support you need.
What Are Your Crafty Plans?
Do you have any special projects planned for the holidays? Any gifts you have made or hope to finish by then? Please share in the comments. I love hearing about what others are making. Plus it helps give me the inspiration needed to get in gear.
With less than 2 months til Christmas, I am finishing up some very important projects that need to be in the mail ASAP so I can focus on Christmas.
This year I will be sending elf ducks to several snappy peeps so they will arrive the first part of December. We will start making some little projects on November 10th so they will be ready when the ducks arrive. There are still a few more ducks available to adopt (as of 10/29/19). CLICK HERE if you are wondering about this project and/or would like to adopt a duck. (these ducks are not alive… until you share the spirit of Christmas with them.
I hope you enjoy this week and have a very safe Halloween.