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Dishcloth Swap Summer 2019

I LOVE working with cotton yarns through the summer, how about you? If so, I hope you will join me in swapping some cloths with other awesome snappy peeps in our summer swap.

It’s a lot of fun. You make five cloths and get five different ones back plus a special crochet pattern as a thank you.

Here is the quick info:

~ $6 includes return shipping and a special cloth pattern (sent after swap is complete).

~ You make 5 cloths, any style (but no thick/dimensional scrubbies)

~ Attach a tag to each cloth with your name and state (cuz we love to know who made them and where they came from).

~ Ship cloths to Utah no later than August 31, 2019. You may start shipping them August 1st and cloths will be swapped as they come in. Hopefully this time frame works for everyone. Those that want a shorter time period can ship on August 1st. Those that need more time can ship later.

Get more info and sign up: