
Spotlight: That’s Too Clippin’ Cute

This past spring I received a super cute gift in the mail. Stacy from Too Yarn Cute made a clipboard with my business colors and logo.

too clippin cute clipboard
Custom order a set to match your shop or favorite colors. Board, as shown with Snappy Tots’ logos, is not available.

She also made several magnetic bookmarks that I love! I use them to keep track of my place in patterns or when I am typing up my notes. I use this set everyday and it has really come in handy.

New Shop

I am thrilled to see Stacy and her mom are now selling these boards and other items. I hope you will check out her shop and follow her on facebook.


Custom Order


Win a Clipboard


Is your dad the best? Enter HERE by 6/16/15 for a chance to win a board that would be great for Father’s Day.

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